Skitour training


In these four days, we teach you everything about sound and competent tour planning.
You learn to plan and carry out tours yourself, theoretically and practically. Risk assessments in relation to conditions, terrain and the human factor, the safe and sound handling of your safety material, the handling of orientation aids and maps, ideal lanes on the ascent and on the descent. Tactical, time and organizational planning and get professional tips that will be useful to you later ....

We spend the night in a hotel in Disentis and also in the Maighelshütte. From here we have many options, be it with the LVS training field, the mountain railways to get to the terrain quickly, and to have the Maighelshütte with many short application tours and plenty of time for practical training on the terrain. The course is suitable for all snow sports equipment!

This course can be done as a 2 day compact course or as a 3day intensive course.

Starting CHF 690.00 Compact course (3 days) CHF 690.-
Intense course (4 days) CHF 950.-
incl. 3 or 4 days mountain guide instruction
incl. 2 or 3 nights and half board
excl. possibly train tickets from 4 people


Execution on request » book
Alpventura GmbH
Via Alpsu 20
CH-7180 Disentis / Mustér